Babies and toddlers need a lot of sleep!
Babies need a lot of sleep. They normally require 12-16 hours per day to grow and develop properly. You must get your baby on a regular schedule as soon as possible so that you can keep track of their sleep schedule without any issues. If you’re having trouble getting your child to sleep at night or during naps, it might be because they are not getting enough rest during the day. Sleep deprivation can lead to many problems for infants and parents alike, such as accidents and injury (from falling off furniture), stress, depression, and anxiety for both parties involved, etc.
Don’t be fooled! Babies are not that great at sleeping.
Babies are not great at sleeping. If you have a baby and have trouble getting your little one to sleep, you’re definitely not alone. There are many tips and tricks that can help—like swaddling them, putting them on their backs, or rocking them to sleep—but sometimes these things don’t work for everyone.
If your child is old enough to roll over or sit up by themselves in the crib, it’s time for something more radical: letting them cry it out (also known as controlled crying). This method involves leaving your child to cry for a while every night until they fall asleep on their own without being rocked or fed back to sleep. For some people, this seems cruel; however, there are several benefits associated with controlled crying, including better self-soothing skills in children who do not develop an attachment disorder from being held all the time!
Important: It’s also been shown that babies who sleep on their backs have fewer problems than those who prefer sleeping on their tummy, which is not recommended as it increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. (SIDS)
Sleep deprivation has been linked with both physical and psychological issues, so we must provide our babies with adequate rest.
First and foremost, your baby needs you to be a responsible caregiver.
Some people may say that the number one essential for getting your baby to sleep is having a responsible caregiver. That’s where it all starts. You should pay attention to your baby 24/7 and learn their patterns, their responses, and how they react to different activities. Once you’ve got the basics down, the rest of it comes afterward.
Create a safe sleeping space for your baby
When setting up a nursery, new parents often buy a cot and decorate the walls before thinking about
their child’s experience in the room. But if you want your baby to sleep well and for long periods, it is essential to consider how they feel in their environment. Research shows that babies exposed to things like bright lights or noise before they go to sleep end up having more trouble falling asleep at night.
In order to create a safe sleeping space, you will need first need a bassinet or crib that is at least 16 inches off of the ground. Your baby can be put to sleep in a cot or maybe a crib. Either way, it’s important to ensure that your baby has a safe and comfortable place to sleep. You’re probably already aware of the dangers associated with unsafe sleeping environments for babies, but we will go over them again just in case you missed it!
The safest place for your child is their own bed, so try not to be too worried by this list if they are still napping and sleeping on a mattress next to yours rather than being moved into their own room at night time.
Ensure that the cot is safe.
- Never use a second-hand cot.
- Make sure the cot fits the mattress.
- If you’re buying a new mattress and cot, make sure it’s compatible with each other.
- Ensure that your baby can stand up in their cot and not touch anything above them (unless it’s a guard rail).
Set up your nursery with your baby’s safety and comfort in mind
Once you’ve chosen a cot and mattress, it’s vital to set up your nursery with your baby’s safety and comfort in mind.
- Follow the instructions on the cot and check it regularly. It should be fixed securely to the wall using brackets designed for this purpose. If you’re not sure how to do this or can’t find instructions, contact the manufacturer of your particular model—they may have additional tips for making sure that it’s safe to use.
- Check that there is no gap between any bars or slats of the cot—this could trap fingers or toes and cause injury if they move in their sleep (or yours). Make sure that there are no sharp edges around any part of the frame (e.g., corners), which could hurt them if they roll over onto them during their night’s rest!
- Ensure that there is plenty of ventilation around them in their bedroom—this helps keep them cool during hot weather, which will help them sleep better at night because they won’t be too hot to doze off properly! Plus, air movement keeps away insects like mosquitos which might want nothing more than biting into soft fleshy bodies.
Comfortable Sleepwear
To help your baby sleep well, you should dress them in soft, breathable, and comfortable sleepwear. Cotton is the best material because it breathes well and doesn’t get too hot for your baby. It’s also worth keeping the room cool since overheating can cause restlessness and make it harder for them to settle down at night. Dress your baby in one layer more than you would wear yourself – so if it’s summertime, make sure they have something lightweight on under their pajamas or sleepwear. If you’re worried about your baby getting cold, use a sleep sack to keep them warm but still allow airflow around their body.
Swaddling Blankets
Swaddling blankets are great for baby sleep. They provide reassurance and comfort to your little one, keeping them warm, snug, and calm. Swaddling blankets can also help prevent SIDs (sudden infant death syndrome) and the startle reflex that some babies exhibit. Additionally, swaddled babies tend to sleep longer than unswaddled ones—and there’s nothing more important than getting good sleep when you’re a new parent!
Sleep Sacks
Sleep sacks are a safer alternative to blankets, which can pose suffocation and strangulation risks. Not only do they help your baby sleep better, but they’re safer than pillows, too! Sleep sacks are made of breathable fabric that allows air to circulate. This means babies can breathe freely throughout the night and stay cool when it’s hot out.
- Purchase a size that fits your baby well. Infants should wear sleep sacks until they reach 4-5 months old; toddlers typically wear them up until age 2-3 years old (or longer if you keep them in their crib). It’s essential to get a size that fits snugly without being too tight, so your child doesn’t kick off the blanket during the night—and make sure it’s long enough, so it doesn’t ride up over their face!
Blackout Curtains
Blackout curtains are the best way to darken the room, which means better sleep for your baby. Parents will also benefit from them because it’ll help them get a good night’s sleep too. Not only does this block out light and sound, but it helps create an environment where you can relax and unwind before bedtime, making it easier to fall asleep faster.
White Noise Machine and/or Music Player
White noise machines, also known as sound conditioners, can help drown out distracting noises and create a soothing environment for your baby. This can include noises like rain or waves crashing on the beach. A music player could be something like an iPod or an Echo Dot that you leave in your child’s room. If you choose this option for white noise, make sure you don’t play too much music because it may keep them awake!
Some parents use both at once: they play classical music through speakers while simultaneously using a white-noise machine to create an even more calming environment for their little ones.
If none of these options works well enough, try simply leaving on the television or radio until your baby falls asleep—that way, they’ll hear familiar sounds while being lulled into dreamland by some soothing tunes!
Lavender Bath Products & Essential Oils
Lavender is a calming scent that can help your baby sleep. It’s also an essential oil that you can use in bath products, diffusers, or humidifiers. If your baby has sensitive skin, look for a lavender-based lotion or body wash instead of using lavender essential oil directly on their skin.
Rocking Chair or Glider
A rocking chair or glider is a gentle way to soothe your baby. The motion of rocking or gliding helps settle your baby and can also be used for feeding, cuddling, and later on for reading books.
Many parents continue to use the same rocking chair or glider they started with during the early days of their baby’s life because it’s still the best way to unwind after a long day at work.
A Comfy and Cozy Lovey
A lovey is a comfort object. It’s a small, soft item that children use to help them feel safe and secure when they’re away from their parents or other loved ones. It can be an object like a blanket or stuffed bear, but it doesn’t have to be—it can also be something inanimate like a teddy bear lamp shade or flat blankie.
Most experts recommend getting your child one as soon as possible to have something to hold onto while they sleep at night and during the day when they’re feeling lonely (or just bored!). If you don’t already have one on hand, try looking for these items at your local thrift store:
- A favourite stuffed animal
- A doll
- A photo of you holding your child up high in the air (so long as it’s not digitally altered!)