
How to Choose the Perfect Pram? Top Tips That Every Parent Should Know.

While Stepping into the world of parenting is an exciting affair, learn how to choose the perfect pram is tough. Your life would completely turn around in the blink of an eye when your little one arrives.

While engaging in your parental duties, a stroller serves as an essential item in your parenting kit. Grocery shopping, walks around the neighborhood, or your daily morning jog, would now be adjusted to suit your baby’s comfort and needs. Yes, this feels like a daunting task, but have no worries because the tips below will guide you in the process of picking out the perfect stroller to suit your needs.

You can simply resort to carrying your bundle of joy in your hands, but there will be times where you need to keep your own hands free to go about with your tasks. To accommodate your needs as an individual and as a parent, there is no better solution than having a perfectly engineered stroller at your disposal.

When selecting a pram for your child, you should consider your current lifestyle and requirements. These needs shall change over time. When your newborn grows through infanthood into becoming an energetic toddler, they may no longer need to sit still in a pram more suited to an infant’s needs. Therefore, it is recommended that you take your baby’s changing pattern into account when choosing a stroller that would suit your current lifestyle as a parent.

how to choose a pram


What is the difference between Prams and Strollers?

The answer is simple, and knowing it is the first step in deciding your baby’s first set of wheels.

Baby Stroller – Technically, a ‘stroller’ refers to a model which has an upright seat.

Baby Pram – A baby pram is a model that contains a bassinet (a flat sleeping surface).

However, one should note that in modern usage, the terms ‘stroller’ and ‘pram’ are used interchangeably and can refer to the same product.

Baccani New Zealand produces models that allow both positions, as versatility is a feature that the company takes great pride in. Baccani products are the best in New Zealand. They serve the function of a pram and stroller with maximum cohesion and continuity.

Choosing the Perfect Stroller

Since a pram or a stroller is one of the most vital tools in your parenting arsenal, the importance of choosing the right tool for the job remains a non-negotiable task. Without the proper choice, you would stress out and create several inconvenient situations in your day-to-day life as a parent.

Therefore, get ready to delve into an expert guide on the process of picking out the perfect stroller that would fit your specific needs and lifestyles.

The best stroller will be one that:

  • Has a seat that facilitates your needs and fits your child comfortably and safely.
  • Is built with the right height and weight for you to maneuver it easily.
  • Contains all the proper safety features.

Different Types of Strollers

  1. Jogger Stroller/Pram – Aimed for parents who frequently engage in jogging/exercise.
  2. Layback Stroller/Pram – Lightweight stroller where a baby can lie down or sit up.
  3. Convertible Stroller/Pram – Supports a wide range of seating positions. Adapts according to the parent’s needs.
  4. Car Seat Stroller/Pram – Used primarily as an infant’s car seat.
  5. Twin Stroller/Pram – For parents with twins and have more than one toddler.

Twin Strollers

There are three different types of this pram.

  1. Side by Side Twin Stroller/Pram – There are two seats next to each other
  2. Tandem Twin Stroller/Pram – This seats one baby in front of the other
  3. Single Seat Twin Stroller/Pram with Additional Seat – This comes with an extra detachable seat which can be used later on if needed.

Essential Features to look for:

Suitability for a Newborn

  • A pram should be suitable to tuck in your little one from birth until they weigh around 15kg as a toddler.
  • Look for strollers that come with a bassinet attachment which could be swapped out for a seat to accommodate your baby as they grow up.
  • Certain prams are also equipped with reclining seats that can lay flat to safely carry your baby, along with the capability of adjusting over time.

(These strollers with the ability to lie flat are generally more suited and produced for babies over 6 months)

Suitable Size

  • You should test out your pram by folding and unfolding it to check if you can carry it around comfortably in a folded state.
  • Be sure to purchase your stroller at a store that provides you with the ability to test out the products before finalizing your purchase.
  • Check and make sure it fits your vehicle and seats without removing the wheels of the stroller.


  • For maneuverability, swiveling front wheels are ideal.
  • It is also useful to have front wheels that can be locked in to suit higher speeds or when maneuvering your stroller through rough terrain.
  • The larger airless wheels tend to provide better performance on curbs and stairs than inflatable tires.
  • The puncture-proof airless tires with all-wheel suspension shall ensure the smoothest ride imaginable.
  • Before purchasing your stroller, give a hard tug at the wheels and check if their condition meets your needs.



  • Never settle for a product that does not guarantee their brake safety.
  • You, as the customer, are entitled to get an idea of how well the brake locks work. You can check this on a stroller by applying the brakes while trying to push the handle.
  • Take note if the brakes are linked and can be toggled via your foot. If so, you do not need to bend down every time you want to turn the brake on.


Straps & Harness 

  • A good tug will make sure they are secure. Check whether the straps installed on the stroller are easily adjustable.
  • Ideally, these straps should be padded to increase comfort and minimize the risk of injury.
  • Observe and ensure that the seat does not come away from the frame when tugged at.


Travel Systems

  • The best strollers and prams in the market are compatible with car seat capsules.
  • If made properly, you can discreetly clip them into the stroller using the proper adaptors without disturbing your baby’s sleep when shifting between the car, the pram, and back again.
  • It is not advisable to leave a baby asleep for a very long time in a car seat. Therefore, please be mindful about the time your baby spends secured to the seat.


Folding Mechanism

  • A stroller needs to have a simplified system for the user to fold and unfold it.
  • This folding and unlocking mechanism should be simple yet inaccessible to the baby.
  • Check how much time it takes to fold the pram up. Check if you can do it smoothly. Some prams are incredibly complex and challenging to fold up and reassemble.
  • The best strollers in New Zealand markets are specifically engineered to mitigate any safety issues that may arise when folding. Thereby removing the threat of the stroller collapsing on your baby or damaging your fingers.


Other features to look for:

  • Canopy – A stroller must be equipped with a canopy that is ideally waterproof.
  • A Rain Cover – To protect your child from rainy weather
  • Storage – It helps carry things like nappies, baby food, clothes, blankets, and your bags as well. (Check the size and weight limit)
  • Adjustable Height Handles – They come in handy for shorter and taller parents alike.


What is the safest stroller option to buy?

In theory, a three-wheeled stroller and a four-wheeled stroller should not have any safety difference. However, a poll conducted by choice.com showed that parents prefer four-wheeled prams and strollers above three-wheelers. This was in terms of safety, as three-wheelers report problems such as tipping, toppling, or rolling away unexpectedly.

It is now mandatory that a stroller must contain a wrist strap that ensures that the stroller would never get away from you. For example, all prams and strollers produced by Baccani New Zealand are four-wheelers. Their products ensure your baby’s safety while incorporating even the most minute safety measures into the stroller design.

How do you choose the stroller that best suits your needs? 

Your stroller choice shall depend on your lifestyle and different scenarios. Here are some valuable tips for you:


  1. For shopping, you would require an easily maneuverable stroller. The stroller should not be too bulky or too wide. Having a decent-sized basket is a plus!
  2.  Are you a frequent public transport user? Then your stroller/pram should be light and easily foldable.
  3. If you frequently engage in jogging and walking, larger and puncture-proof wheels are required.
  4. Similarly to traveling on rough terrain, parks, and uneven surfaces, your stroller/pram should contain wheels that are large and resilient.
  5. Suppose you have two kids and walk frequently. In that case, it is advisable getting a reliable twin stroller that would accommodate your needs over a single stroller.

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