
Why does my baby hate his car seat/ stroller?

Imagine this: your friends/ sister/ neighbor is having a lovely and peaceful time with their child who sits patiently and plays around in their seat/ stroller. But every time you try this, your baby wreaks hell in your house. He throws his arms and feet around and makes it impossible for you to strap him in. Not mention doing it somehow makes you feel like you’re forcing your baby into discomfort. What is going on here? There are some possible reasons your little one hates their swing, stroller, high chair or car seat. Here’s why and how to address a fussy baby in their stroller car seat or highchair.

Why does my baby hate his car seat/ stroller?

Here are some possible reasons your little one hates their swing, stroller, high chair or car seat.

1. Overstimulation in seat

Baby has too many stimuli. Some babies may find it difficult to adjust to daily life’s commotion after spending more than nine months sheltered from the outside world inside of your womb. Sensitive newborns may become uncomfortable and cry if they experience too much noise, movement, or visual stimulation. Like when they are strapped into the backseat of a moving automobile or bounced around in a jumper.

2. Uncomfortable seat

Baby is in discomfort. Your child might not enjoy the straps that hold him in a car seat or stroller. There may not always be much you can do about that because car seats are made to keep babies safe, not to suit their irrational whims. However, you should always use car seats according to the manufacturer’s instructions and make sure that all straps and fasteners are as snug and secure as possible without rubbing your baby’s skin.

3. Lonely

Baby feels alone. Since he spends the majority of his waking hours being held, switching to a car seat, highchair, or stroller — where he can no longer feel your body’s constant contact — could be upsetting.

4. Nature of the baby

Babies are naturally more picky. Personality is another potential influence. Simply put, some newborns are fussier than others, and that’s just a characteristic of their individual temperament. Your baby can just dislike car seats and strollers or be bothered by the frequent abrupt routine changes they bring. You may think of it as genetic luck of the draw.

5. Motion sickness

Baby feels dizzy when moving. Your infant may be cranky as a result of vehicle sickness. While some babies still feel motion sickness, it is often more common in toddlers and older kids than in infants.

6. Preterm?

Infant is colicky or preterm. Due to their increased sensitivity to light, noise, and movement, premature newborns and some babies with colic may dislike car seats, strollers, or highchairs.

How can I address a fussy child in their pram, car seat, or high chair?

As most babies get older, they grow out of the need to cry, including the fussiness in their seats, and strollers. This phase should roughly come to an end at about 3-4 months as your baby gets used to the device and associates it will movement and a daily part of life.  But some babies may never get used to this, so don’t be dishearten if yours is one of them. While this may be ok in some instances, there are times when you may have to strap them in without a choice.

Tips for soothing a baby who hates the stroller, car seat or highchair

Don’t worry, like everything else, this problem too has its solutions. Here are some things you can do to help your baby acclimate to seats strollers and highchairs so you can take the best use of your sitting device.

1. Try to gently settle the baby.

When your baby is already fussing or crying, try to avoid putting him in a stroller, car seat, or highchair. When you drop him in, he’ll simply get angrier (and louder!) so try to wait until he’s quiet and content before attempting again.

2. Distract the baby

Put your infant on his back on a play mat, a blanket on the floor, or in his crib before attempting to secure him in a car seat, highchair, or stroller. Then provide some eye and ear candy, such as a mobile or some toys for swatting, as well as some music or white noise. Try putting him in his seat or stroller after he is peaceful. Even if your kid may cry a lot when in the car, he has no choice but to be constrained there, therefore music is frequently helpful.

3. Try a change of scenery

If your infant has a better vision, he might relax. For instance, consider setting up your highchair in front of a mirror (your child enjoys watching himself in the mirror) or connect safe toys to the back of his car seat for him to enjoy and play with. If your child absolutely detests his car seat, you may also bring it inside. Fasten him in there while you play with him so he begins to feel a little more at ease (and content) while he’s fastened in. Even if your kid may cry a lot when in the car, he has no choice but to be constrained there, therefore music is frequently helpful.

4. Give them closure

If he needs to be close to you, carry him in a sling or another carrier that keeps him as close as possible to you. At least your hands will be free to take care of some other things when you are wearing your kid, even if you will still be carrying a small buddy wherever you go. (Although it may be tempting, resist wearing your child in the automobile. No matter how agitated he becomes, he must be in the car seat whenever you are traveling.)

5. Stay where bub can see you

If you believe that your baby is struggling because he can’t see you, do your best to keep yourself visible while caressing and soothing him to see if it will help. Sit next to him in the backseat of a car if you’re not the driver and engage in conversation, song, or play with him. It might offer him the solace he requires to unwind.

So all in all, a fussy child in their stroller, high chair or car seat are pretty common, so do not worry. Baby hates car seat, stroller or high chair? We’ve got the top things you need to know here, and it should fix the issue!

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